Update from our River Maintenance Steward on the Clinch

Bryona Ward, a 2019 Clinch River StreamSweeper has been hard at work since the close of our summer season as our first ever River Maintenance Steward. Additional year-end support from TVA allowed us to fund this position for the first time on the Clinch River. Bryona visits – weekly or bi-weekly as weather permits – the Old Castlewood boat launch, river access at the “Baptizing Hole,” the boat launch at the park in St. Paul, the boat launch at Oxbow lake park, the access area at S. Burtons Ford (until recently, as it is now posted as private property), the access area at Carfax, and the Miller’s Yard boat launch. She reports that the Baptizing Hole, Oxbow, and S. Burton’s Ford have been the heaviest dump sites, mostly accumulating small trash like plastic and cans, but she has found larger trash items as well, including a horse ride kid’s toy and a small bicycle.

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